I feel so relax after taken a bathe.
Sitting in front of laptop and starting to express the life that i spend today.
Well.There is nothing special in my everyday's life.
I went to Singapore not long ago.
Walked around in the city which is so unfamiliar for me.
I am wondering how could i get use in the new environment?
=( A lot of worriment cames up my mind all at once.
Every procedure is going on smoothly.
My medical report shown my body function normally.
and I am busying with my brother's wedding.
Sound exciting isn't it.?
I hope that i could finish the background as soon as possible.
And improve myself in every article.
=)All the best.Lenice.
A deep breath in and out from my mouth.
I should learn how to give and take whenever what the matter is happen to me.
Cry cannot resolve problems.
Wipe your tears.
Take in a deep breath.
make the decision directly.
be strong.be strong and independent.
This is what i should told myself.
No one could be with you forever.
Selfishness is the characteristic that own in every Human Being.
The tendency of without trainning which cannot be eliminate by everyone of you.
try to be realism in the way you deal with things.
This is what i learned from the world.
Good night.The world.
Goodbye.My tears.

他们变得叛逆 残酷 邪恶
这些心态 使他们忘记了当初善良的本性
直到 领悟了 做了真正后悔的事
他们回头了 也忏悔了
可是 发生的事 怎么都弥补不了
后悔 是一个名词 而
弥补 是一个动词