Hi.nice to meet you again.
Little blogger.i got a lot of transaction would like to share with you in the moment.
It's hardly to describe.
the emotional in my heart.
Recently,We went for Jay chou concert at Stadium Bukit Jalil on the day of 5th,March.
There were very crowded and i didn't even watched Mr Jay Chou properly.
But through the screen,He is really got talent in Music.
=) I will keep supporting him as long as he is still on the way of his journey of music.

Next event.
which is My brother wedding.
There were a lot of working in preparing the wedding.
And We did spent time on the background drawing.
But we managed to finish it on time=)
How nice.
But i think another ideas after i started to paint the first drawing in the middle of the way.
so decided to finish the first idea in the end.
I hope that brother would like the background .
then i got nothing to worry.

Every incident which happened before was just a dream, for me.
A strong feeling of sadness comes up in my mind.
people always treats nicely to whom treats badly to them.
I am the one of the example.
Wind can't blow those of the unhappy air away.
How can I do?
There is only one thing.
keep walking and be strong.
Goodbye.and Take care....