Aren't you all felt curious that why i spoken this out?
It's almost half an hour to one midnight.
I usually liked to type my blog at night.
Because i could felt that I was really calm when write my blogger at night.
Tonight going to be a cold night as it had a heavily rained just now.
I like the drops of rain.
It might be a message which send by heaven to all the people in the planet.
Heaven was cried.
Because It is getting stress to withstand those burdens which proceed out from human being.
Technology make people became easy but it left the consequences to our environment.
As i would like to say sorry to the heaven too.
I am a human being who throw rubbishes in daily life too.
Really sorry from the deeper of my heart.
Let's pray that i could success in my enzyme production.
And make the life better.

Yes.You are correct.
Went to Starbucks to have a tea break with friends few days ago.
I thought was :"It's really charming in the deep of night."
As you can see that an owl loves to predate at night
because each single species in the world have their social models.
We can't change their mind.
Same goes to human.
We are special.
We can't find another oneself in the world expect "clone".

Wei Yang always scold me that there was really wasted money to purchase a tall cup of green tea cream in starbucks.
But i don't agree with that.
Green tea is the best choice no matter where i am.
I love the scent of it.
It is nature.Simple.
We did enjoyed the gathered time very much as we chattered until it closed it's business in the end.
We are getting stress as we undergo into transforms.
Friends.Don't fed up with recent life.
The future is waiting behide you.
Just keep your dream in mind.
Then you are going to fly into the highest beyond the ground soon.
Cross your fingers.
We bless you.
Smile is the best weapon to dissolve all the problems you face in the society.
Be smile^_____________________^
My eyelid getting disobey as the night getting dark.
Well.Good night to everyone.
Turn off the computer.