come in a bit late.but never long as I did written something about the weekend.
should be okay.
haha...i am getting lazier and lazier......
might because of the whether ?or personal attitude.?
everyone is trying so hard to be hardworking.
why I am still remain the attitude like that?
maybe this is the reason i should think of myself.
and people seem like leaving beyond of me...I am so disappointed to myself.
and let's talk about some delightful moment.
During the weekend.
We were searching for our cousin qing2's present.
and Jacinth was so childish when she saw something blue in front of her.
Jacinth.i will buy this for you soon.
Clumsy make Jacinth going insane.
by the way.i got the childish sister.=)
another happy hour for my family day was we celebrated grandmum 77's birthday at Yi Jia restaurant which is nearby our house.
Guess what.The restaurant was full house and we took some pictures while we were waiting.
haha.Mindy and I. I was wearing a spectacle without lens.
And it was really worked to sharpen my face.
grandmum are getting older..
and there is no answer that how many year left we can still by her side..
I wish to say to grandmum that we all love you so much.
so please do take care of yourself whenever or wherever you do or you are...
hugging tight just because you are everything to us.
Honey crab is a dish which is very famous in the restaurant.
and do come and try it and indulge your taste bud..
o/s: salty and please make sure you drink enough water..
night diary..night people...
我学会了 明白了 了解了
逝去的一切 脆弱 是因为当初的不以为然 而导致今天的 遗憾